Dignity for Daughters Campaign
We have recently become increasingly aware of the crisis many girls in Kenya are facing as they are forced to take extreme measures to get the pads they need for their monthly period.
Due to poverty, many teenage girls do not have access to menstrual supplies and often resort to using items such as straw, foam from the inside of their mattresses, ashes from a fire, and other unsanitary items. Imagine! Many girls are going to middle/high school with pieces of mattress foam in their underwear simply because they can't afford pads. A large number of these girls will miss school during their cycles and sometimes even drop out because of having to miss school so frequently.
This issue has increased the vunerability of young girls as it leaves them succeptable to being taken advantage of by men who promise to buy them pads in exchange for sex. Girls would rather give themselves away physically rather than be embarrassed by having an accident in school or have to use a dirty, unsanitary item in replacement of the pad they desperately need.
There are thousands of girls who have been deceived into believing that their bodies are a means of exchange so they can get the everyday items they need. We have come to find out that many of them exchange sex for more than just pads. Sometimes they will be so desperate to have a shower, a warm meal, or new clothes and will do anything to receive those things. The equivalent of the pads/clothing/shower/etc is around 25 cents. Somehow, these precious daughters of the Lord who are fearfully and wonderfully made and seen as priceless in their Father's eyes, have marked their value down to 25 cents. The reason why we are passionate about not only providing for their physical needs but we also have an amazing opportunity to help provide for their emotional and spiritual needs. Our monthly counseling/discipleship program will aim to encourage these girls to seek their value and worth in Jesus.