We are a family advocacy ministry working with vulnerable children and their families to help break the cycle of economic, social, and spiritual poverty.

In the beginning

Shepherd’s Heart began in 2012, formally called Bread of New Life Ministries, U.S. We began as a small group of individuals representing several different churches that banded together to provide accountability and support for several children’s programs in Kenya. We partnered with local ministry leaders to help them accomplish their goals of serving God in their communities. As we grew and learned more about ministering in a different culture, we refined the structure of our partnerships and changed our name to reflect the new direction. We currently serve in Kenya, Rwanda and the Unites States.

Our Vision

Imagine a world where neighbors respect, honor, and care for one other in such a way that outsiders look in with astonishment. Then, in turn commit to adopting the same kind of love for one another in their own communities. All to honor God by loving each other.

This is the vision of Shepherd’s Heart International. Everything we do centers on this vision and how we can be a part of restoring relationships for the glory of God.

Our Core Values

  • We are all image bearers of God

  • Jesus brings hope even when our circumstances do not.

  • Empowerment is superior to dependency.

  • Sustainability multiplies the legacy of our work.

  • Every human life has purpose and immesurable value.


Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors serves to ensure that the mission of Shepherd’s Heart is carried out with integrity and transparency.

Global Leadership Team

Our Global Leaders serve to carry the vision and mission of Shepherd’s Heart and translate that into action. They oversee and participate in the work on the ground and serve as a support for the ministry staff.

Shepherds Heart Local Ministries

We are focused on meeting the physical and spiritual needs of local foster and adoptive families.